Returning after a break
Helpers in every situation · 12. Dezember 2021
Over a year without a new blog and 6 month without a post. We are full of breaks. But honestly it's a hard time for everyone I guess. And thats why it's even more important to have some happiness in life am I right? I'm struggling with mental health issues for a few years now. Not only because of my old job but also this whole corona story made my life really hard. I think my rabbits were a really big help to find myself again. I know it's a really difficult topic to speak about and everything...

About life · 30. April 2020
So since we adopted Glen much has changed. He stole our heart and make us smile every day. And he is such a wonderful and cute rabbit. But he's also our first long hair rabbit. His fur is very long and it mattes very quickly. So fur care is really important. We always use 3 different brushes. First of all we use a soft cat brush.With this brush I can loosen the knots. Then I use a lice comb to remove the buttons. S Sometimes I have to cut out small parts with scissors And last but not least I...

Food · 15. April 2020
Today we want to share our food or eating routine through the day! Enjoy!

About life · 25. März 2020
After 4 month of bonding they are one heart and one soul. <3

Food · 15. Februar 2020
Hello Bunfriends♥️Today we wanna talk about the Food wich are good or not good for rabbits to eat. There is a link below for a website I really like. It helped us so much at the beginning to find out what they can eat or not. Especially with the different bushes and branches. You also can use it to make the daily meal a little bit more interesting. But be careful, a complete and totally different diet is not too good either. Start with little and that over and over again so that the animal...
About life · 07. Februar 2020
Max was a really special rabbit to us.He was our first ever bun we had. He was so funny and cute. He had this little cute black spot near his nose😍😊 And yes I've to write it in the past...because he passed a way nearly 3 month ago. It was so hard to let him go. He lived 8 years with us and I will never forget these. How it began In the last few day's before his death...he probably had paralysis in the hind leg.But we haven't thought it would be that terrible. After that it got worse. But...

06. Februar 2020
Hello Bunfriends. Yes we did it. Here is out first blog. Many many thanks to all our followers. The last year was amazing! We wouldn't be here without you. We will try to write as much as we can. If you have questions or something to say. Just DM us on Instagram(our name is down below.. just copy it and search us on Instagram).